Latest News from the Community Clubs

14 December, 2021

Community clubs are community-led groups that cover a wide range of sports, hobbies, and leisure activities. They are a great place for community members with similar interests to come together and make new friends!

Visit the community clubs page to check all the clubs available at KAUST, and see below information about our newly forming clubs.


Introducing the Writing Club

Do you want to express your thoughts on something but looking for the right platform? Perhaps your feelings are sometimes confined within you for the lack of audience? Sometimes, writing it down is easier than speaking out loud. Let your words speak while you are silent. If you are an aspiring writer and love to write poems and short stories this club is for you!

We have a new community club starting with the aim of bringing aspiring young writers together to think of ideas and write. If you are interested, please contact Abdul Malek at or +966565105153.  


Introducing the Volleyball Club

Volleyball is an action-packed game that requires physical preparations as tactical skills. The volleyball club offers training sessions for beginners as well as for amateur players to hone their performance. Furthermore, a disciplined approach to volleyball training grants an ability to enjoy the game with significant personal progress. Learn more and join the volleyball club.

Introducing the KAUST Garden Society

Do you enjoy gardening or decorating your balcony with beautiful plants? Are you curious about the types of plants that do (and don't!) grow well in the desert environment at KAUST? Would you like to learn more about native plants and botanical gardens in Saudi Arabia? Whether you have a green thumb or are just getting into gardening, we hope you will join the KAUST Garden Society. Learn more and join the KAUST Garden Society.

Volunteers needed

We have two clubs that are looking for volunteers:

If you would like to learn more about getting involved with leading, starting, or joining a club, please contact us at
