Community Clubs | Mama Workout Club

The aim of the MamaWorkout Club is to bring pregnant and new mothers together and to create an atmosphere where they feel comfortable to exercise. The club organzises classes tailored to their specific needs, led by a certified instructor.

Membership Fees
No membership fees
Class fees: 120Sr/4 sessions

Prenatal: Wed 5.15 pm
Postnatal : Mon 8.30am
Wed 6.20pm

Community Club House ECC3

Contact & Registration

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  • Objective

    The aim of the MamaWorkout Club is to bring pregnant and new mothers together and to create an atmosphere where they feel comfortable to exercise. The club organzises classes tailored to their specific needs, led by a certified instructor.

    It is our goal to help pregnant and new mothers stay healthy and to become energized and balanced to manage their daily routine but also to offer the opportunity to make new friends across the community that are at the same stage of life.

    Dates and Time

    weekly except during the school holidays a session is 50min.


    Communtiy Club House ECC3 room K102.

    How to join

    You can join any class at any time during the year Please register by emailing to

    More detailed information

    Can be found unter the following link:

    Group Officers

    Barbara Krattinger
    Franceline Wetter