Congratulations to the winners of KAUST Got Talent 2024

10 June, 2024

Last week’s KAUST’s Got Talent showcased our community’s diverse and impressive talents. The event, which took place in the KAUST Auditorium, was packed with an enthusiastic audience eager to see their friends and colleagues take to the stage.   

With so much incredible talent on display, it was no easy feat for the audience to choose and vote for their favorites. Our special panel of judges, Chris Sealey, Phumelele Ngcobo, Natalia Garmashova, Shaker Al Sharif and Beatrice Jagerup also had a tough time marking their scores. 

Shaker al Sharif, the Saudi Comedian based in Jeddah, also took the stage for an hilarious stand-up performance and, after serving her role as a judge, Natalia Garmashova sang a beautiful piece accompanied by David Keyes  

Thanks to Belky and David Ketcheson for being wonderful hosts for the event, to Peter Diglin & Blue in Red Jazz Trio for their lively performance and to Paolo and Bads, 2023 prize winners, for opening the show with a beautiful rendition of Shallow.  

It was an unforgettable night, and we congratulate all the winners!  

  • Winner – Ahlrish Laniton, Solo Singer 

  • First Runner Up – Pei-Yu Lin, Solo Aerialist  

  • Honorable Mention – Michelle Havlik, Voice Loop Pedal 

  • Youth Category Winner – Acro Duo (Vida Wulff Alcon & Maya Hasanain), Gymnasts 

Photos from the event can be found on our official Flickr Page.  

You can also watch the full video recording of the event here. 


We can’t wait to see what our talented community has in store for us next year. Follow us on Instagram for live updates about upcoming events and activities.