Wellbeing Week Feedback and Photos

08 May, 2024

Community Life would like to thank the KAUST community for actively participating in the first-ever Wellbeing Week. Your presence and engagement have made this week a success!

This year's theme was Elevate Life, and we organized a week-long program designed around the five pillars of well-being: connect, be active, take notice, keep learning, and give.   

During Wellbeing Week, 33 instructors helped host over 90 events and programs, and the official event app had over 700 active users. We hope that these events enriched your life and gave you the tools to enhance your overall well-being.  

We would also like to express our gratitude to our event partners for their generous support, including Al Khozama Hotel, Coastline, IMC, Kanoo Travel, Lush, Medd Café, Qatar Airways, Safaa Golf Club, Shift Clinic, Six Senses Southern Dunes, Tamimi, and Watersports Arabia


Event Photos 

Photos from the event can be found here.   

Share your favorite moments from the Wellbeing Week on Instagram or Facebook by tagging us using #KAUSTLife. 


Feedback Form 

Please take a few minutes to fill out the feedback survey here. Your response will help us understand what we did well and where we can improve to make future events even better. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at community.events@kaust.edu.sa

We look forward to seeing you at our future events and programs.