KAUST launches Family and Child Support Center and celebrates Dyslexia Awareness Week

29 September, 2022

KAUST is an incredibly vibrant, diverse, and inclusive community of over 120 nationalities who live, work, learn and play together.  To build on existing services, further enhance inclusivity and develop specialized support programs, KAUST is launching a new Family and Child Support Center.

To mark this important development, community members are invited to join the official opening of the Family and Child Support Center at a launch event on October 3.  In addition, and as part of an ongoing events program, there will be a range of activities between October 3 and 9 across KAUST to mark Dyslexia Awareness Week.


Family and Child Support Center Launch Event


Monday, October 3
5:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
ECC3 – 

The Family and Child Support Center will officially open on Monday, October 3. This Center will be a beacon of support, providing access to quality services and engaging activities, helping those aged under 18 to achieve their potential.  Join us to mark this event with brief presentations involving KAUST senior leadership, families who have helped to develop the Center, and the Center management team.  Children are very welcome to attend, and light refreshments will be served. 


Dyslexia Awareness Week Events


Monday, October 3 to Sunday, October 9

The Family & Child Support Center will coordinate a varied event and awareness program throughout the year, and we are pleased to announce that we will be celebrating Dyslexia Awareness Week – more information can be found here.  Organizations across KAUST have come together to develop a range of activities over the next week. 

Monday, October 3

  • The KAUST Beacon will be lit red to symbolize the start of Dyslexia Awareness Week.
  • Cinema (Theatre 1) screening of Taare Zameen Par (Little Start on Earth) at 4:30 p.m.
    The film is about a child and their struggles with dyslexia who is supported and helped to discover his full potential.

Wednesday, October 5

  • The FCSC will be offering special treats at the Campus Diner from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
  • The Harbor Daycare ECC2 will offer educational games at the reception area for children to come and have fun, including: memory matching game, word hunt, and number pocket game.
  • The FCSC will host a special dyslexia awareness evening for parents and children in the KAUST community. There will be refreshments and quizzes, and we will receive a video presentation by a special guest, Professor Bill Roberts, who will offer insight into how he has overcome challenges around his dyslexia. Please register your interest here

Thursday, October 6

  • Special screening at the Cinema (Theatre 1) of Zorro at 7:30 p.m. starring British dyslexic actor Sir Anthony Hopkins.
  • The Harbor Daycare ECC2 will offer sensory activities, including letters in the bag, a light table tracing activity, as well as other fun games. 

Sunday, October 9

  • The Beacon will be lit red to symbolize the end of Dyslexia Awareness Week.

For more information about the Family and Child Support Center or any of the activities and events:

All are welcome, and we look forward to seeing you.

Kind regards,

Daniel Buttigieg 
Director, KAUST Health