Skin Cancer Screening Clinic

22 August, 2022

KAUST Health is glad to announce that the Skin Cancer Screening Clinic is now available all-year round.  If you have a concern about your skin then it is always best to get them checked out.

Get screened with Dr. Mohammed Shafiq - KAUST Health Family Medicine Consultant.

Book your appointment now by registering here. The KAUST Health team will call you as soon as possible to arrange your consultation with Dr. Shafiq for a convenient date and time.  

*Expect a call from our team, we will try to reach you up to 3 times. If you missed our calls, please call back to schedule your appointment.

Skin Cancer Risk Assessment Form:

Before your appointment, please take a few minutes to complete a personal skin screening risk assessment form and bring it with you on the day of your consultation.

We look forward to seeing you at the clinic. 

For more information, please contact:


Kind regards,

Daniel Buttigieg

Director, KAUST Health

Live well. Be well.

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