01 September, 2019
KAUST Health is providing a fun and interactive, 8-session program targeting youth between 11-14 years-old. The program will teach skills for long-term resilience and aims to foster improvements in group members' ability to cope with challenging situations.
About the Course
This program is open to KAUST residents between 11-14 years of age.
By the end of this 8 weeks program, Youth should be able to:
Session 1: Sep, 18th
Session 2: Sep, 25th
Session 3: Oct, 2nd
Session 4: Oct, 9th
Session 5: Oct, 16th
Session 6: Oct, 23rd (Parent Session)
Oct, 30th mid-semester break
Session 7: Nov, 6th (Parent Session)
Session 8: Nov, 13th
Please note that there are no sessions during the last week of October due to the University break. We request that your child commits to missing no sessions during the 2-month program to ensure that your child gets as much out of the program as possible.
As a service to the community, the majority of the program costs are subsidized by KAUST Health. Participants will be charged the heavily discounted price of 500 SAR per participant for the 8-week program.
Apply to the Youth Wellness Program
All applicants will be contacted on September 15 to confirm if your program application has been accepted.
>> Youth Wellness Program Application Form
If you have any questions about the program or application, please contact fatmah.hadadi@kaust.edu.sa.