Tuesday 10 January
ART TALK| The Edges of Art: humankind, the biosphere and space | Ayman Zedani, Artist and Lama Mansour, Curator and Researcher, Digital Arts Lab, Jeddah
Campus Library, 1.00 p.m. to 2.00 p.m.
A creative talk on human interaction with different ecosystems: earth and space, and how this is represented in their work and research; with particular reference to newly commissioned works at the inaugural Islamic Arts Biennale in Jeddah opening on 23rd January, and their wider research practice focused on anthropological and scientific approaches.
Digital Arts Lab (DAL) was established in Jeddah in 2017, to exist as a meeting point between science and technology, arts and design. DAL believes that digital tools can expand the capacities of art and allow humans to explore new relationships with the world around us. By allowing viewers to interact with and become an intrinsic part of an artwork, technology can create a better connection between artists and their audience.