KAUST Garden Society– Kick-off Meeting

​Tuesday 25th January, 19.00-20.30

At the Community Hub on Discovery Square

Light refreshments provided


Due to Covid restrictions, this is a hybrid event. If you want to attend in person please sign up by sending an e-mail to frans.vanbuchem@kaust.edu.sa  (max. number is 10) or you can join Zoom Meeting: https://kaust.zoom.us/j/94369479746          Meeting ID: 943 6947 9746



Introduction of the society: aims, planned activities, events, suggestions

Presentation: 'Planting native Saudi Arabian species' by Christopher Clarke

We all love the frangipani and bougainvilleas in KAUST, but what local species can we plant, and why bother using local species? Christopher will be drawing from his botanical field trips all over Arabia to suggest species that could be planted in KAUST to add a more local flavor to our gardens and will explain the advantages of using local plants.

Event Quick Information

25 Jan, 2022
07:00 PM - 08:30 PM
Community Hub