Halloween Festivities

Halloween is just around the corner and is a fun time of year for kids (and kids at heart) to get a chance to dress up, decorate, carve pumpkins, and share in some spooky fun! Here are all the fun ways you can get involved:


Pumpkin Patch

Sunday, October 27

5:00 to 7:00 P.M.

Harbor Sports Club


Check out the KAUST pumpkin patch! Pumpkins will be on sale at the Harbor Sports Club parking area.


Thursday, October 31
Sunset – 8 P.M.
At participating houses

You are invited to join trick-or-treating festivities to celebrate Halloween in the community. Trick-or-treating is a custom for children in many countries. While different places celebrate differently, at KAUST, the children dress in costumes and travel from house-to-house asking for candy using the phrase "Trick or treat".


How to participate:

If you plan to participate, we recommend participating in both of the following ways.


  • Hand out candy to trick-or-treaters. The children will ring on your doorbell and say "trick-or-treat". You can admire their costumes and give them a piece of candy. To indicate that your house is participating, please:
  • Take your children house-to-house to trick-or-treat. Encourage your children to wear a costume then visit participating houses. The children can ring the bell and when someone answers say "trick-or-treat!". The person will hopefully then give them some candy.
    • To identify participating houses, look for a Trick-or-Treat sign on the door or use the map which will be posted here before Halloween.

Thank you to the community volunteers who have taken active roles in facilitating this event.

Important note about safety: Please use extra caution on the roads on the evening of October 31. Both trick-or-treaters and road users need to be extra mindful in the dark – we want to keep this event fun and safe for all!


Halloween photo contests will be run on the KAUST Community Facebook page on October 31. To enter, you must be a member of this page. Submit your best Halloween photos for a chance to win small prizes. All contest submissions must have some evidence that the photo was taken at KAUST, for instance in front of a recognizable location or with something distinctively KAUST included – be creative!

Prizes will be awarded for the following categories:

  • Halloween Costume – share a photo of your creative costumes!
  • Pumpkin Carving -  share a photo of your best pumpkin carvings!
  • Decorations – share your best household Halloween decorations!



For more information, email recreation@kaust.edu.sa

Omar Al-Omar
Director, Community Services & Engagement


Event Quick Information

27 - 31 Oct, 2019
05:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Harbor Sports Club