Community Life Quiz Week 3: Last chance to win prizes!

14 December, 2023

Thank you to everyone who participated in Week 2 of the Community Life Annual Report quiz. We had around 400 participants, and the winners are: 

  • Santhosh K Charles 

  • Kawther H. Alalwan 

  • Yang Zhou 


New week, new quiz!  

If you didn’t win last week, we still have one last chance to win! Read the Annual Report, then take the final quiz 3 to test your knowledge.  



Deadline for Quiz 3 is December 21. Please note the winners will be announced on Sunday, December 24. 


About the Annual Report 

The Community Life Annual Report provides a snapshot of the work and successes of the division’s services and teams and highlights our commitment to the people of the KAUST community.   

Good luck! Winners will be announced on Sunday, December 24. 


People, Place, Pride