KAUST School Students Learn About Facilities Management Utility Services on Tour of Central Utility Plant - CUP

09 March, 2023

The KAUST School's 9th and 10th-grade students recently had a unique opportunity to expand their knowledge of Facilities Management Utility Services by visiting the Central Utility Plant -CUP. The tour allowed the students and their teachers to learn about the processes involved in three different plants, namely the Seawater Reverse Osmosis Plant, Waste Water Treatment Plant, and Chilled Water Treatment Plant.


The students were fascinated as they learned how the plants make potable water, reuse water for irrigation, and manage air conditioning systems in their school. The visit was both educational and fun as the students were able to see first-hand how these plants function and the critical role they play in the daily operations of the school.



The tour was an excellent opportunity for the students to gain a deeper understanding of Facilities Management Utility Services, and the impact they have on the environment and the community.