Community Life Quiz week 4: Last chance to win prizes!

03 November, 2022

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Week 3 Community Life Annual Report quiz. We had around 400 participants, and the winners of the week 3 quiz are:  

  • Talhah Fahmy  

  • Yang Zhou  

  • Ding Lin  



New week, new quiz!  

We have a new quiz each week for four weeks, so if you didn’t win last week, you still have a chance to win exciting prizes! Read the Annual Report, then take the quiz to test your knowledge.  

Take quiz 4



The quiz four closing date is November 9 


About the Annual Report 

The Community Life Annual Report provides a snapshot of the work and successes of the division’s services and teams and highlights our commitment to the people of the KAUST community.   

Good luck! Winners will be announced in next week’s quiz announcement.