Apply for a Community Project Grant

01 November, 2021

​Are you a group that has an idea for a community project that you feel will have an impact on the community?

Community Life is launching the annual Community Project Grant initiative and is inviting proposals for 2021/2022. Proposals must have significant detail in terms of what the project will deliver, the estimated resources and cost, and the intended positive impact on the community.

If you have an idea and would like to work with the Community Development team to see your idea become a reality, please submit your proposal here.


Guidelines for submissions:

  • The proposal must include sufficient detail (and estimated costings), to show that the proposal has been considered and developed
  • Proposals will be considered from individuals or groups who plan to deliver the project themselves – the Community Development team will support the group(s) who are awarded the grant(s) to deliver the projects
  • The project must be something that can be realistically delivered by a group of community members within a defined timescale (preferably less than 1 year). Projects that require capital investment (i.e., to build a new building) cannot be considered for this award
  • Any grants awarded will be managed by Community Life and the project team will be expected to supply evidence of how the money is spent

The application window will close on November 30, 2021, and the grant will be given to the project(s) that best demonstrate the need in the community and the cost/impact return.

For more information, email:, the winner will be announced in December.





Looking forward to supporting your great projects.

Chris Sealey
Vice President, Community Life