WISE 2021 comes to an end

30 August, 2021


​WISE 2021 took place from Sunday, July 25 to Thursday, August 19.  107 interns (85 here at KAUST and 22 working remotely) undertook internships in many different Departments in the University.  From developing drones to creating 3-D models of viruses; undertaking data visualization and systems integration to working as Security Officers; our WISE 2021 interns immersed themselves in the world of work and, with the support of their mentors, learned many new skills along the way.

The cohort also took part in some group learning activities, including the Get WISEr Café series which discussed topics such as playing your part with sustainability and how to stand out from the crowd when applying to Universities, and also had time for some fun with a bowling tournament and dinner at Al Marsa.


Here is what some of our interns and mentors had to say:


"Thank you for organizing such a wonderful program this year. We had a great time with our interns and we are very happy about the outcome.  I also loved the closing ceremony – great moderator and the entire event was very well done!" Ivan Viola, Mentor, CEMSE

"Our interns added great value and demonstrated a high level of professionalism and excitement beyond their age.  They were great ambassadors to their school and showed what KAUST is all about.  We look forward to participating in WISE next year" Omar Kutbi, Mentor, IED

"It was great to experience a real lab environment.  We learned so much during WISE – not just scientific knowledge but also life skills, and have a much better understanding of the work of scientists"  Alvin Huang & Umairah AbuSamah, WISE Interns, KAUST Catalysis Center

"I now have a much better idea of what I would like to do in the future" Shahad Bakr, WISE Intern, Guest Services

"WISE is a great opportunity for work experience and I would recommend it to everyone" Naga Kare, WISE Intern, Classroom & Collaboration (IT)

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  • To view the WISE 2021 photos, click here.
  • View a recording of the WISE 2021 Closing Ceremony below:


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