Inclusive Community Survey

26 May, 2021

Take the Inclusive Community Survey today

We are a growing and diverse community where residents are proud to live and work, show respect for other cultures, and have a sense of ownership. As part of the rich texture of our diverse community, there are some community members with disabilities that require treatment, rehabilitation, education, social, or other support.

We need your input on the services that are currently available to people with disabilities in our community to understand the challenges related to topics such as education, mobility, accessibility, social opportunities, availability of services, and more.

This survey is for:

•    Community members with disabilities
•    Community member parents of children with disabilities
•    Community members who have experience and interest in volunteering or working with people with disabilities


What will happen to the data?

Our goal is to listen, learn, and adapt based on your feedback. The data gathered through this survey will be used to review the available services and improve understanding of the needs of our community. An analysis of survey results will be shared with the community.

Take the survey

Please take the opportunity and participate in the survey by clicking on this link.

The deadline for filling the survey has been extended to June 10, 2021.


Chris Sealey
Vice President, Community Life
