Proud to live, proud to work...

Community Life brings together the core services and teams that serve the KAUST community; KAUST Health; Community Services (Recreation, Food & Retail, Transport, Travel & Logistics); Accommodation  Services; KAUST Day Care; and Community Development.  These services, working with many other teams across KAUST, help to create the landscape that allows the community to be a vibrant place to live, work and play.

Our faculty, staff, researchers, students, and community members represent over 100 nationalities, making KAUST a truly international destination. Our primary focus is to foster and nurture the community enabling every community member to feel a sense of belonging and connectedness. I encourage each and every one of you to not only enjoy our work-live-play environment and beautiful surroundings, but get engaged - share your culture with others, volunteer your skills and time to support your fellow community members and those who live in our neighboring towns. Get involved in a community project or one of our Community Clubs. Get active, and participate in sports and recreational programs and 'buddy up' to welcome and support those who are new to our community or here without their families.

I have been here since late 2016 and have found the energy and enthusiasm across the community to be really inspiring. Whether it's a Community Club passionate about their sport, or a group of people that want to put together a cookbook featuring the nations that make up the KAUST community, the willingness to engage has been remarkable. For the coming year we are already working on our signature events and planning new ways to work with partners across the university to continue to make KAUST a place where people are proud to live, work, and play.

For more information on how to get involved in our community, or if you have any ideas or suggestions on how to make KAUST an even greater place to live and work, e-mail the team at

Chris Sealey, Vice President